Anne Luna – Defining the Musician “Clarity comes from action, not thought” -Marie Forleo When I said “I’m going to be a full-time musician,” I thought that was good enough. I mean, it had been hard enough just coming to that conclusion. I thought it was enough clarity. I already had a solid identity and…

Check out the Vlog episode here Anne Luna We’ve heard the phrase, but what does that really entail? For me, when I hear that, I usually go one of two ways—1) getting mad because I was already trying really hard and why is someone asking MORE of me, or, 2) realizing I was kinda slacking…

Check out the Vlog episode here What my Parents Did Right Zak – Almost 30 years ago I was living in Floyd, New Mexico, which is legitimately in the middle of nowhere. I was 5 & often sat my parents down to listen to me sing my renditions of Garth Brooks songs. They never complained,…

The Name Game – Anne’s Perspective I think we know intuitively if not specifically that there is power in naming something. We choose names for our children, pets, cars, guitars… We have nicknames for friends and not-so-friends. A name defines and somehow changes the object in terms of endearment, expectations, etc. When we have a…

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